Website Changes
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26/04/24 – Version 0.0
Version B01
Website release. Links changed, database updated. Split from jd.
SEO updates lodged for on google to reflect fully linked with nginx. Full round of updates; nginx, linux, win. Critical error fixed on older safari versions. Minification and local cache enabled.
Version A04
*URL CHANGE* made and linked, dns changes complete, forwarding set up to work with other sites on server. to be transferred later in the year. Page empty placeholders added for UX. Donate, trails, contact, advertisers, and the archive pages have been reworded and nearly finalised. Back end extensive updates.
Version A03
Made new archive page and links to the actual archive.
Lots of touch ups and design fixes.
Version A02
Site Production Starts, pages made and links made. Escalation on website production begins.
Contact page alpha version completed
Home page nearly complete using legacy design
tweaked front page. Linked contact page form. Design V01